
Vietnam Early Jackfruit Plant

Original price was: ₹550.00.Current price is: ₹425.00.

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Vietnam Early Gold jackfruit tree is the trending jackfruit tree. Its capability of bearing fruit in the first year of planting the tree makes it popular. The variety originally from Vietnam crossed borders all over the world because of this peculiar trait. The tree is also called ‘one year jack’. The tree bears fruit throughout the year. The fruit is very sweet and thick in texture. Compared to other varieties, the sticky latex substance inside the fruit is very low. Each fruit weighs up to 5-8 Kg. The fruit is easy to cut compared to other jackfruits.

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The jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus), also known as jack tree, is a species of tree in the fig, mulberry, and breadfruit family.



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